25 years of Energy Group
Towards the end of 2018 the Energy Group, together with the employees, celebrated 25 years of its existence. At the anniversary Gala Night in Hotel sv. Ludmila there were things to remember and things to thank for, awards to be appointed and people to meet, or even to dance with.
About Aqua-Eko
AQUA-EKO is an administrative body responsible for running the operations of Ružbašská Miľava dam, which is one from the set of dams on the Poprad river.
The dam is technologically well equipped and ready to use the river´s hydro power potential as a renewable source of electric energy.
The integral part of the small power plant is a modern fish ladder which enables the fish to migrate up the Poprad river.
More About Us
The power plant runs on two Kaplan turbines with a built-in electricity producer technology and maximum power capacity of 1MW.
More about productionElectricity Retailing
The electric energy generated by the power plant will be certified as renewable energy. The price will be set out by the national regulation authority (ÚRSO).
More InformationJob vacancy
Are you looking for a suitable job? Send us your CV. Career
Ing. Andrej Obrtlík
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Ing. Eva Krčová
Board Member
Ing. Štefan Vystavel
Board Member
In case of questions contact us here.
We Support

Energy Group's support foundation helped employees once again
3. 1. 2025
Every year, employees of Energy Group companies donate 2% of their taxes to the Energy Group's support foundation. The amount raised is doubled by the owner of the company from his own resources and the funds are then passed on at the end of the year to colleagues who need them most.